Sonntag, Januar 11, 2009

Zwielichtige Zeiten: Vampire, Werwölfe und andere Geschlechterrollen

Nun, da uns die Twilight-Verfilmung mit voller Härte treffen wird, sollten wir uns ordentlichst auf dieses Non-Event vorbereiten.

Wer die Bücher nicht kennt (Willkommen im Club!), hier das Wichtigste in angebrachter Kürze (Quelle: hilft):
The Twilight book series is many things, but empowering it is not. The more you examine author Stephenie Meyer's themes, the more obvious it becomes that her books are a thinly-veiled religious screed against teen sex.

Edward makes Buffy's boyfriend Angel seem a cheerful fellow and her lover Spike's antics romantic by comparison.

Along the way, Edward increasingly takes away Bella's agency: he stalks her, watches her sleep at night, drives her everywhere, isolates her from family, limits her movements, and carries her off at the drop of a hat. While critics have mostly ignored the underlying misogyny, many web comments and reader reviews have mentioned that Edward's behavior evokes that of an abusive partner. Were he not a vampire, he would be in prison.

The narrative suggests that it is better to submit and sublimate yourself to a superior being than to be your own person. Having a will of one's own is not conducive to Meyer's brand of love and living. Only heterosexual relationships are explored, and (married!) sex is always a power play with painful consequences. Plus it is preferable to be a teenage mother above all else, even if it kills you.

Nicht nur, weil Vampire hier vergöttert statt vernichtet werden, sind Buch und Film sozusagen Anti-Buffy. Und die nächste Person, die meint, dass Twilight et. al. quasi Harry Potter für weibliche Teenager ist, darf sich schon mal warmlaufen.

Bevor mir wieder engstirnige Einseitigkeit vorgeworfen wird, hier ein durchaus positives Review des Films:

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